Hello Abu Dhabi
K.I.T. Group Middle East
Hassani El Koutbia – Managing Director

About us
Finally the Middle East has access to efficient and competent conference and association management skills. K.I.T. Group Middle East focus on the Middle East emerging conference market while continuing to operate worldwide. Our expertise is the worldwide organisation of conferences with detailed planning, budget transparency and a well-structured action plan/countdown. We offer a complete range of services including the management of all logistical and administrative aspects of conference organisation and association management.
Time must be dedicated to maintenance of budget planning and follow-up, seeking sponsors, registrations, and hotel bookings. All of which prevents the society from concentrating on the most important aspect – the science itself! This is where we come into the picture. K.I.T. Group Middle East performs all these tasks, pooling from our extensive experience and specialised staff. We blend synergy and competency for the best conference possible. Highly qualified, multilingual staff offer efficient preparation, reasonable and transparent pricing, on-site management and post-processing of your event. Our wealth of experience, innovative communication and data technologies, high-grade technical know-how and a network of experts all make K.I.T. Group Middle East a preferred partner for many associations, organisations, and companies.
Contact :
K.I.T. Group Middle East
FZ LLC P.O. Box: 77893
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
+971 2 245 0057